Friday, June 20, 2008


My name is Olivia and I am 8 years old. This is my first post. I wanted a blog because my sisters have one, so mom is helping me make one.

It is a very hot summer. Today Julia and I went swimming in our little pool. It was fun and I did not get sunburned!

I went with mama to take Victoria to work at the Bible House. And to pick up Franklin and Rush. But Rush was still working and didn't come home with us. We will pick him up later. He works for Bro. Skip. He likes his job. Rush will be really tired when he gets home!

Rush has a dog named Coco. She is a good dog and I like to play with her. I am glad that Rush went to church with us on Tuesday. I have been praying for him a lot.

Anyway if you like my blog then let me know!

